
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Guardian Angel

     As we all know, tomorrow is Mothers Day and there's still a great number of sons and daughters that haven't got an idea of what to get their Mum! I am indeed, one of them.
     I have found some really great ideas which doesn't take a lot of time and money to get done. After all, mothers appreciate simple things given by heart. Giving your mum a hug and spending the day with her can make her impressively happy and satisfied! 
     Here are some examples of simple and pretty gifts we can make ourselves or have a quick run at the shop and waste little time and money on.


     Sometimes a box of sweet treats can make her really happy, for it's something no one would resist! 

     We can all make the day special by being present and remembering our mummy's day. But don't forget to have the best day with her, for she is the only person that after many days arguing, and keep getting on your feet to do what she says, she will always be there by your side through every wrong step or choice you have had, she will always be with you whether she's near or far. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sitting in the Dark

     Recently I have noticed that the more my problems are solved, the more they appear in my life. When I think that I've done everything I had to, I get surprised with a new 'something' that just ends my year. I try to be positive and carry on calmly and find some way out of everything crumbling on top of me, but there are absolutely no way out. I don't know how many times I've cried during showers, or tried talking to someone. Avoiding problems is something I am seriously not good at.
     Many people who looks at me have the first impression of me being a normal girl with a perfect life and everything I want, or just a simple girl that no matter what, always carry a smile on her face. Having a bad day is something that happens frequently in my life. I try not keep banging my head on the wall, over thinking the situation witch I found myself in, and this is the way I find to carry a smile.
     My only way to avoid thinking about everything that happens and causes problems for me is running to my books, or spend the whole days listening to songs which are relative to the situation I'm in. Sometimes I try opening up to someone, but the consequence is never as I expect.
     Unfortunately, problems are something there is no way to completely run away from. I only wish they would end in some way or other. This way, I could carry a smile that had no mystery or wander behind it.

Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Life

     First of all, I want to apologise for not updating this blog. I've realized it's been a LONG time! There has been so many things going on, and I couldn't keep up with the blog.
     So I've moved to the Capital! And it's been quite a big change 'cause I've been living in a small town that didn't even have a cinema! I am pretty much loving the change. As soon as everything settles down, I'll get the blog REALLY updated with news (; ~